Saturday, July 12, 2008

Rant: Proper Planning is Pivotal

My brother and I are, on the side, developing some software for our own enjoyment. However we take our development effort seriously, and have spent a good deal of time writing small technology tests and, most importantly, documenting our specification so that we can agree on the path that we are taking.

Our spec is mainly composed of two things:

  1. The feature specification, and
  2. the architectural plan.

Both of these are important. Even if everyone agrees on the features that should be implemented (and we'll assume that there weren't the normal communication issues involved in doing this without a written spec), everyone's programming/architectural styles can be incredibly different.

Unfortunately, this can lead to a mess later.

The Draw

It is very tempting to ignore this obvious fact, especially when you have small teams of developers working under tight timelines and budgets. Your team will find itself having one-hour meetings to verbally discuss a feature and how it should work, and then the developers will all run off to their caves and start writing code.

Initially this actually works out really well. Everyone is building their separate pieces, plugging along and writing code in the way they write best, which results in quick turnaround.

It is a manager's best dream. Everything is getting done ahead of time and under budget!

The Problem

But what happens when the pieces have to start fitting together?

At some point the pieces that everyone writes have to start fitting together. If everyone is writing to their own architectural drum in their own style, how easy is this integration going to be?

Even worse, how many of your developers are good architects? Did those quick up-front times result from the developer doing whatever was quickest to get their pieces done? What happens when, as anything in real life happens, the spec changes a little? How about when it changes a lot?

And none of this includes what happens when developers have to work on eachother's code. Where is a document to help them figure out what was done, especially since the code is so incredibly different from their own?

It Happens

These aren't all hypothetical questions. I've encountered this problem in the real world. Specs aren't thought out and aren't documented to save time. It's alluring. I've even bought into it. Turn around times are fast and everyone is happy... first.

But after a year on a project, this can start to turn around. You start discovering all the webs of spaghetti code that were weaved to meet deadlines, and the hacks involved when a developer didn't want to spend the time to ask someone else how to integrate with their component, or the bugs that appear because of the bad assumptions that lazy programmers will make.

I've seen all these problems over and over again, and sometimes these problems can bog down development to the point that whole sections of code must be stripped out and re-written to get around it.

The Solution

In programming, the money is where there are hard problems that need to be solved, and hindsight is 20/20. So no matter how much planning you do, you'll never be happy with your solution. There is always something that you should have done.

Which is why architecture is so important. If architected properly, a system is set-up so that when these problems are found, they are easier to solve. One must strive for expandability and refactorability, but without spending time creating interfaces and functionality that are never used.

As I always say, a good software architect dares to dream and plans ahead for the future, but knows where to stop to keep development times and costs down.

For this to succeed, there must be somethind that is in control. Something that is guiding everyone else towards a common goal.

That is the architectural spec.

The Spec

Of course, someone has to create the spec. That should be the job of multiple people. Ideally, there should be an open dialog between the developers that are writing new code, the developers that wrote any code that is being interfaced with, and an architect that can coordinate the input from these developers into the common design goals and styles of the application as a whole.

And this is easy to do with the small teams that are usually lured into ignoring spec writing altogether!

Words of Advice

My advice to you: whether you are two programmers or hundreds of programmers, specification documents, and clear architectural leaders, are important to the overall long-term success of your software.

You may be tempted by The Devil to ignore proper specification in order to achieve the impossible up-front, but like any deal with The Devil, you better be prepared to tackle the ugly consequences that follow.

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